Sunday, September 17, 2017

Become The One!

I am 25 years old and I have spent my teenage and young adult years really focused trying to search with all the things you know I am saying for the person God has for me. And there were a season of my life where I knew somebody that I believe was the person God had for me that he had a lot of amazing qualities and all the stuff. But when I realized that my life was starting to look like this, this person was almost like the sun and my life was like all around this person. What I wore, what I ate, how I posted on social media, constantly trying to impress this person and I never felt free to just be myself. 

I felt like my eyes went from focusing on God on focusing on this person and allowing this man to be the motivation for a lot of things that I did and you know later on just the series of the events, God spoke to my heart and said this is not the person I have for you and I remember you know a little word said, "what the desire of your heart?" And I remember it was a different season of my life, I had made a list. I really made the list, "Lord this is the desire I believe you have placed in my heart for a long time." And they were not even physical things, but really just attributes. The Lord showed me that because I was very focused on this guy trying to be the one that I had taken my focus off becoming the one, trying to like and impress was really not the desires that God had for me. God showed me that He has more for me, do not settle my brothers and sisters. I just want to encourage girls out there you know to not allow guys to become your world because girl no matter how amazing he is, he is not worth it. He should not be your world because Jesus created the world. 

And so in that season of my life, I remember taking my time where I just did me. I was with friends, I went shopping, I was doing things I love and I felt alive in my singleness and I love who I was as somebody who is investing and becoming whole in Christ. Knowing who I am in Christ. I love that Teresa more than Teresa that was trying to impress someone. I realized when I started to become that person that God made me to be that I know that when God bring me a future someone to my life one day that I will attractive to him because I have become that person that maybe he had been looking for. 

I believe a lot of you asking,"God what is my spouse wants me to be for them?" So right now becoming the one could look like working on your confidence, if your confidence is based upon the scale whether some guy did not like you back, girl my confidence was on a rollercoaster ride. Like he said hi to me today, or he did this, he did not do this, what is wrong with me, why he did not date me, why that girl. I remember just taking a step back and being like wow that's my confidence really grounded whether this guy likes something on social media of mine, or like that girl's photo but not my photo and we'd be like oohh I am so this and that..? It sounds stupid but we all do that so I really took my confidence to the Lord and say," Lord I want my confidence to be in You and not whether some guy is paying attention or not paying attention to me. "

Another thing I would say is just knowing your identity in Christ you know. When you know who you are then when the right man comes, he is going to be like wow that girl is not trying to impress others, she is not trying too hard to be someone she is not, he is going to be like, that girl knows who she is, she is authentic. The girl who knows who she is, she knows where she is going. I look back now and think to myself if I took that time and energy and invested that and becoming a whole person and doing the things I love, hang out with my friends and family, I will be more well rounded and whole person. I do not want to take back what I went through though because that was making me who I am today and would not be able to write this to you, but girls it is not worth it, it is not worth changing yourself if the man does not value you for who you are, he is probably not the right guy for you. 

So y'all, instead of spending all of your time searching for the one, wasting your time creeping out on instagram trying to find single brothers in the neighborhood, it is so wasted. I just want to encourage all my brothers sisters out there, God knows who your spouse is, He is the best GPS you know. You would be like,"God where is he?" But God says, "You do not know where he is but I know who and where he is!" Instead of searching or figuring it out. If God has not brought the right person, He is probably doing work on you or doing works on them. It is not about your timing but it is about God's timing. He will bring you the right person. Maybe that person is not in the season of your life today, or the Lord needs to work something out. Be faithful to wait on God's timing and when it happens it would be like smooth like butter, the Lord will set the stage. Think of it is like a production you know like a play, behind the curtain right now God is setting the stage, you do not want to drop the curtain too soon when the stage is not yet set, my sisters. Always remember, y'all amazing and God loves you so much. God put stars in the sky, He put animals on this earth. He is faithful enough to bring you the right person at the right time.

Happy Sunday ❤