If you are at the point to a life change, then all you need is a little inspiration. I often find inspirations through blogs and what I love right now is discovering a new thing that makes me feel like I can do anything I want.
These past few weeks I have been thinking to find a simpler way of life and I have come to learn to be a simple person. Which is not only clearing all the negative thoughts away but also prioritizing important things first instead of wasting time doing unimportant things. I have also become a little bit geek and have been getting into writing and reading. I have learned how to live a happier life and to be a better person in the process.
I am always doing normal things that everyone supposed to do, going out for food with friends on the weekend or after class, singing at the karaoke bar, killing time with small talk over coffee. Never alone. Never.
Then I discovered I needed more time for myself, but this is not a reminder to you to “make time for yourself.” Instead, it is a reminder to learn more about your personality even deeper.
I have spent most of the time on my own. I do not know anyone who spends more time alone than me. At least seventy percent I have spent my time alone. Eating, writing, reading, studying, playing instruments or singing. I have learned to enjoy the sound of silence. To sit and hear what is going on not only just around me but inside of.
I used to think that my family or friends were thinking there was something wrong with me, I do not really care. In fact, I have gotten so much when I decided to immerse myself around other people. To learn about your personality, appreciate what you have by far and to love yourself even more brought the greatest benefit and these things I have learned from my alone time. Not only me who felt the benefit but also people around me. We all get the best version of me. I am able to get myself into social situations with positive energy that some people believe I am an extrovert, but I am not haha!
But in here it can be right or wrong depending on your personality. Just like someone who loves partying occasionally needs a break from his lifestyle.
Whether you are young or old, introvert or extrovert, It is not a bad idea to learn more about yourself. Because for me personally once we know ourselves better, we will grow to become a better person :)